Stormfly v1.8b102213 APK

Stormfly brings you live weather information in the form of beautifully designed HD wallpaper graphics!


Based on your set location, Stormfly will look up your current weather condition, download the matching weather graphic and display the image as your device’s wallpaper. The wallpaper will automatically update and change appropriately at your set interval and at different times of day, such as sunrise/sunset, daytime and night. Optionally you can turn on the new "Stalker Mode" to have the location automatically update in the app as your location changes. We have also added a new persistent notification that will display the current temperature in the notification bar when collapsed. When expanded it will display more detailed current weather information. This new feature replaces the previous double tap option.

The images are static, meaning they are not animated. They are also not all stored on your device. Why do we do this? We do this in order to keep both the size of the app and resource usage to a bare minimum.Worried about bandwidth usage? We’ve got you covered! Stormfly will cache the last 10 wallpaper images on your device. When it is set to check for new weather information, it will check the local cache for the correctwallpaper image prior to attempting to download it.

Would you like to view the current weather condition? We have provided you with two means of doing just that. The first way is to simply pull down and view the new persistent notification. You can change your temperaturereadout preferences between fahrenheit and celsius within the settings. The other way requires a specific setup on your device. If you have both Android 4.2+ and the DashClock app installed, you will automatically get a new DashClock extension. What makes the Stormfly extension different from the default one? Honestly, not much. The most noticeable difference will be the icons. The default extension uses only a handful of different icons. Our version includes an icon for each weather condition that will accurately portray it day or night.


This is a live wallpaper. You will need to select and set Stormfly from your list of live wallpapers before any images will be displayed on your homescreen.

What's in this version : (Updated : Oct 27, 2013)

Resolved crash issues reported by a few S3 and S4 users....hopefully...
Removed the double tap option and minor bug fixes
For optimal results, we recommend uninstalling previous versions prior to installing this update.
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

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Download : 1.8Mb APK
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